Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Debate: Not Always the Best Tactic

Let's face it, debating rarely changes the opinion of your opponent. You could literally disprove their idea/belief a thousand times, but overall, they will probably make excuses and disregard your arguments. Why is this? Honestly, I blame human nature. In the overall scale of things, people tend to value proving their ideas right, rather than actually believing in ideas that truly are right. No one wants to be wrong, so people subconsciously rationalize their beliefs in a way that makes them still seem creditable.

Keep in mind, I'm not saying that debate doesn't have an effect on people's beliefs, because it sometimes  does. Debating usually helps the undecided find the most plausible idea to agree with. But argument rarely changes the beliefs of someone who disagreed with you before-hand.    

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